03 December 2008

Saw V.

Saw Saw V and it was about how I expected it to be.


Really, they should have stopped at the first one, or even the second one. I really enjoyed the first one, especially the twist at the end. All of these sequels worry me about what people are going to think of the Saw movies - it's going to become, (frankly, it already has) a franchise that won't die when the first one had a great story behind it. People aren't going to remember anything about the movies except how Saw refused to quit while it was ahead.

1 comment:

SaM-1 said...

I was never really interested in seeing Saw 5, but now I know I won't be seeing it...at least not pay to see it.

I really enjoyed Saw 1... Saw 2 was okay. I lost interest after Saw 3. I didn't even know there was a Saw 4.... and now Scream Queens from VH1 is looking for a star for Saw 6???